L3LS Automation Part 3

Generating Spine Configuration

This part is going to be very similar to part two. The only difference is we are going to generate the leaf configuration this time. Topology The first step is to update ‘hosts.yaml` hosts.yaml Leaf-1 leaf-1: managementip: managementgw: site: ny role: leaf interfaces: - number: 1 ip: description: P2P Link to Spine-1 - number: 2 ip: description: P2P Link to Spine-2 loopbacks: - number: 0 ip: 192. [Read More]

L3LS Automation Part 2

Generating Leaf Configuration

In part two of this series we are going to extend the data files and templates created in part one. We will also be adding a function to the previously created class ConfigureLeafSpine. Part 1 can be found here. We are going to be adding the IP and BGP parameters for the spine switches. Then we will generate the configs. Topology The first step is to update hosts.yaml. hosts.yaml Spine-1 spine-1: managementip: 198. [Read More]

L3LS Automation Part 1

Building Base Configuration

In this series of posts I am going to attempt to build and maintain a reference layer 3 leaf spine design using a python script. I will be using Arista vEOS for this, but it could be adapted to another NOS with some template modifications. Topology IP Addressing will be dedicated to loopbacks, starting with will be dedicated to point to point links between the spines and leafs, starting with 172. [Read More]